Christina is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and Registered Drama therapist experienced in working with children (ages 3 and up), teens, parents/caregivers, and families. She is also certified in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), designed to improve the caregiver-child bond, increase warmth and attachment, and reduce child behavioral problems.
Christina is out of network with most insurance plans, and provides superbills upon request. All appointments are via video telehealth at this time. Email
Angela is an Approved Clinical Supervisor and Licensed Mental Health Therapist. She provides therapy to individual tweens, teens, families and adults. Angela offers talk therapy, drawing from a variety of modalities to support trauma, anxiety and depression.
Angela is in network with Kaiser Permanente, Premera, First Choice Health & Lifewise and is happy to provide superbills for other insurance companies. Angela provides in-office sessions on Tuesdays. Email
Katy is an Approved Clinical Supervisor, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and Certified EMDR therapist. She provides trauma therapy to individual adults, clinical supervision to individuals and dyads, and consultation/trainings to youth serving organizations on how to respond to mental health crises and challenging behaviors.
Katy is in network with Premera & Lifewise and is happy to provide superbills for out of network reimbursement for other insurance plans. Katy offers in-office sessions on Mondays and Wednesdays. Email